Podoplanin (PDPN)

During evolution plays a role in blood and lymphatic vessels separation by binding CLEC1B, triggering CLEC1B activation in platelets and leading to platelet activation and/or aggregation (PubMed:14522983, PubMed:15231832, PubMed:17616532, PubMed:18215137, PubMed:17222411). Interaction with CD9, on the contrary, attenuates platelet aggregation induced by PDPN (PubMed:18541721).

Through MSN or EZR interaction promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) leading to ERZ phosphorylation and activating RHOA activation leading to cell migration growth and invasiveness (PubMed:17046996, PubMed:21376833). Interaction with CD44 promotes directional cell migration in epithelial and tumor cells (PubMed:20962267).