Luciferase Reporter Assay Service


Boster Bio offers cell based assays for hit identification discovery screening services

  1. Save $$$ - Modeling and screening included for a fraction of the cost
  2. Save Time - Ready-to-use validated reporter cell line assays
  3. Accurate, precise, and reproducible data
Consult with a Reporter Cell Line Expert. We have reporter cell lines ready for all major signaling pathways!

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Compound Screening Services Overview

Establishing screening models is time consuming and expensive. Boster Bio offers expertise in compound screening services with pre-made, ready-to-go screening assays to ensure your discovery process stays on track from the earliest discovery stages. Customize your target assays to optimize hit identification and save budget.

Boster Bio will work with you through

  • Project Design & Conceptual Modeling
  • Assay Development
  • Hit Identification

Our proprietary reporter cell line assays have industry leading efficiency in screening to extract the data you need to maximize the screening potential of your candidates.

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It is our project concierges' mission to make your project experience as smooth and memorable as possible. They are subject matter experts who are easily accessible around the clock, always happy to help you solve problems, make recommendations and sort through options.

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What is Compound Screening?

And, how Boster Bio Compound Screening Services can help

Compound screening involves the testing of small molecules for biological activity, and is often used to find new drug candidates to treat diseases. Compounds that show promising results are then tested on animal models and eventually humans.

Compound screening services provide a way to reduce the time and cost associated with compound screening. These services provide access to screening platforms, which can be used by pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, and academic institutions alike, to get information about their candidates biological activity.

Taking place at the earliest stages of drug discovery, compound screening services are often outsourced to specialized companies that have the necessary equipment, expertise and facilities to carry out these tests. There are various reasons why compound screening services are outsourced.

  1. We can carry out these tests more efficiently than individual laboratories.
  2. We have the ability to test more compounds in parallel.
  3. We have access to large databases that contain information on inactive compounds and their properties which can be used for designing new drugs or finding new targets for existing drugs.


Wide selection Ready-to-Use reporter cell line assays

Validated by extensive functional characterization


Highly sensitive quantitation

Rapid and reproducible results

Screening Discovery Process


How to Work with Boster Bio

Compound Screening Process


Cell-Based Assays in Drug Development

Looking for physiologically relevant data for potential drug candidates? Cell-based assays provide a toolbox full of assistance discovering your compound’s mechanisms of action.

Boster Bio’s toolbox drawers are full of ready-to-use, validated cell-based assays. Take a look at our full selection of assay services.

Experience our Concierge-like assistance as you map out your cell-based assay development.

What are cellular assays used for?

Cell-based assays utilize live cells to provide a real-time model of relevant biological or physiological processes within the cellular environment. Bioluminescence and enzyme immunoassays are among the most commonly used tools for compound screening.

The cell-based assay is a powerful laboratory technique that is used to measure the effect of a small molecule on living cells. They are used to investigate

  • How drugs work
  • How they are metabolized by cells
  • How they interact with other drugs
  • What side effects they might cause

The main advantages of using cell-based assays include their ability to measure cellular responses at different concentrations of substances, their ability to be conducted in vitro (outside the body) and the fact that they can be standardized across laboratories.

In vivo screening in Drug Development

After characterizing your compounds in cells, you will need to look at your compounds' organism level impacts. In vivo assays allow researchers assess how the bodies distribute and metabolize the drugs. Typically we use mice and rats for in vivo studies. Murine in vivo studies can be quite costly, and alternative animal models such as zebrafish are becoming more popular in drug development and nutraceutical research.

We currently do not provide in vivo drug screening services. In Vivo Biosystems offer a comprehensive end-to-end service including Library & Candidate Screening using zebrafish. If you need help finding a good in vivo compound/drug screening partner, feel free to reach out to us for recommendations.

Sample Validation Report

Validating assays is rigorous and time consuming. Boster’s done the work for you.

Project Scope

Below is a sample reporter cell line validation report our lab performed using our proprietary STAT3-RE (Response Element) reporter HEK 293 cell line system.

Popular Screening Targets

(Toll-Like Receptors)

Toll-like receptors (TLR), located primarily in the cell membrane of antigen presenting cells (APC), mediate innate immune homeosta

TLRs possess not only the ability to recognize foreign invaders and induce an inflammatory response, but also link their innate immune response to acquired cell immunity. TLRs are the first type of pattern recognition receptors (PRR) discovered.

(Nuclear Factor Kappa B)

Nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) belongs to an ancient family of structurally-related transcription factors involved in many cellular processes – from immune response to development of cardiac and skeletal muscle and the nervous system.

They are expressed throughout immune cell types and crucial to immune response. Within T-cells, NF-κB are key regulators of activation and control of thymocyte development, T-cell differentiation and self-recognition.

(Signal Transducer & Activator of Transcription)

A member of the STAT protein family, STAT3 is located in the cytoplasm across many tissue types and activated by cytokine stimulation and growth factors. STAT3 helps regulate cell metabolism as it is involved in cell proliferation, migration, and apoptosis.

STAT3 also regulates both oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes, thus has been reported to activate and inhibit oncogenesis.

ROR-gamma & ROR-alpha
(Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor gamma)

ROR-gamma and ROR-alpha, ligand-regulated transcription factors, are a class of popular drug targets in the nuclear receptor (NR) superfamily.

ROR-gamma is a potential therapeutic target for lymphoma, melanoma, and lung cancer.

ROR-alpha is a potential therapeutic target for breast cancer, melanoma, colorectal cancers, and gastric cancer.

(Interleukin 6)

Present in over 125 tissue types, IL-6 is produced at onset of acute tissue damage or infection, and with chronic inflammation. IL-6 is a crucial interleukin that behaves as both a pleiotropic pro-inflammatory cytokine and anti-inflammatory myokine.

Pro-inflammatory, trans-signaling responses are induced by binding of IL-6 to soluble IL-6 receptors, while anti-inflammatory, classic signal responses are induced by binding of IL-6 to membrane-bound IL-6 receptors.

(Nuclear Factor of Activated T-cells)

NFATs modulate immune responses alone and with the cooperation of other transcription factors, such as regulation of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. They are especially critical to the function of helper T-cells (Th1, Th2, & Th17).

NFAT are located throughout the immune system and involved in immune response and development of cardiac and skeletal muscle, and the nervous system.

Validated Target Reporter Assays

Boster Bio uses Stable Reporter Cell Lines for all screening services

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Our Reporter Cell Line experts are always happy to help you solve problems, make recommendations, and sort through options.

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