Mouse CCL17/TARC PicoKine® Quick ELISA Kit

CCL17/TARC ELISA kit, 90-minute one-step protocol

Mouse CCL17/TARC PicoKine™ Quick ELISA Kit (90 minutes, 96 Tests). Quantitate Mouse Ccl17 in cell culture supernatants, cell lysates, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA). Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml.

Product Info Summary

SKU: FEK0685
Size: 96 wells/kit, with removable strips.
Reactive Species: Mouse
Application: ELISA
Sample Types: cell culture supernatants, cell lysates, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA)
Assay Time: 90 Minutes

How Quick Picokine(R) ELISA kits work: Get data in 90 minutes


Product Name

Mouse CCL17/TARC PicoKine® Quick ELISA Kit

See all CCL17/TARC products

SKU/Catalog Number



96 wells/kit, with removable strips.

*Question: How many samples can I assay/run in this kit?


Mouse CCL17/TARC PicoKine™ Quick ELISA Kit (90 minutes, 96 Tests). Quantitate Mouse Ccl17 in cell culture supernatants, cell lysates, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA). Sensitivity: 10 pg/ml.

Storage & Handling

Store at 4°C for 6 months, at -20°C for 12 months. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles (Ships with gel ice, can store for up to 3 days in room temperature. Freeze upon receiving.)

Cite This Product

Mouse CCL17/TARC PicoKine® Quick ELISA Kit (Boster Biological Technology, Pleasanton CA, USA, Catalog # FEK0685)

Clonality of Antibodies

See Datasheet for details


Expression system for standard: E.coli; Immunogen sequence: A24-P93


<10 pg/ml

Assay Range

31.2 pg/ml - 2,000 pg/ml

Standard Dilution Instructions

serial dilution instructions image

Add 100ul of sample diluent in well #2-#8. Add 200ul standard stock solution to well #1, and serial dilute for well #2-#7 to make a standard curve row. Leave well #8 as blank See datasheet of FEK0685 for more details

Cross Reactivity

There is no detectable cross-reactivity with other relevant proteins.

Reactive Species

FEK0685 is reactive to CCL17 in Mouse samples

Validated Sample Types

cell culture supernatants, cell lysates, serum and plasma (heparin, EDTA)

Application Guarantee

FEK0685 is guaranteed for ELISA in Mouse by Boster Guarantee

See how Boster Bio validate our ELISA kits: ELISA Validation Information

Background of CCL17/TARC

Chemokine(C-C motif) ligand 17(CCL17) is a small cytokine belonging to the CC chemokine family that is also known as thymus and activation regulated chemokine(TARC). CCL17 is expressed constitutively in thymus, but only transiently in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells.1 This chemokine specifically binds and induces chemotaxis in T cells and elicits its effects by interacting with the chemokine receptor CCR4.1,2The gene for CCL17 is located on chromosome 16, in humans, along with other chemokines called CCL22 and CX3CL1.3,4 The standard used in this kit is recombinant human CCL17, consisting of 71 amino acids with the molecular weight of 8Kda.

Kit Components

Catalog numberDescription QuantityVolume
FEK0685-CAPAnti-tag Pre-coated 96-well Strip Microplate 112 strips of 8 wells
EK0685-STMouse CCL17/TARC Standard 2 10 ng/tube
FEK0685-AMouse CCL17 Antibody A 1 3ml
FEK0685-BMouse CCL17 Antibody B 1 3ml
AR1106-1Sample Diluent 1 15ml
AR1106-7TBS-T Wash Buffer (25x) 1 12ml
AR1104Color Developing Reagent (TMB) 1 10ml
AR1105Stop Solution 1 10ml
PLA-SEAAdhesive Plate Sealers 2 Piece

*The kit components are not available for individual purchase.

Materials Required But Not Included In Kit

  • Microplate Reader capable of reading absorbance at 450nm.
  • Automated plate washer (optional)
  • Pipettes and pipette tips capable of precisely dispensing 0.5 µl through 1 ml volumes of aqueous solutions.
  • Multichannel pipettes are recommended for large amount of samples.
  • Deionized or distilled water.
  • 500ml graduated cylinders.
  • Test tubes for dilution.
  • Horizontal orbital microplate shaker capable of maintaining a speed of 500 rpm, amplitude 3mm.

Validation Standard Curve O.D. At 450nm


Data Example Images

Intra Assay Consistency & Inter Assay Consistency

We measured random samples of Human Myeloblastin ELISA Kit PicoKine™ within the same batch/lot to ensure the consistency of the kits' performances. ELISA intra assay consistency is measured using wells from the same plate/assay kit. ELISA inter assay consistency is measured using wells from different plates from the same batch production/lot.

Intra-Assay PrecisionInter-Assay Precision
Standard deviation3.2611.7762.063.9617.0983.23


We ensure reproducibility by testing three samples with differing concentrations of CCL17/TARC in ELISA kits from four different production batches/lots.


To assay reproducibility, three samples with differing target protein concentrations were assayed using four different lots.

LotsLot 1 (pg/ml)Lot 2 (pg/ml)Lot 3 (pg/ml)Lot 4 (pg/ml)Mean (pg/ml)Standard DeviationCV (%)
Sample 164616165622.173.5%
Sample 221419523621221414.126.6%
Sample 3100196897295697421.422.2%
*number of samples for each test n=16.

Gene/Protein Information For CCL17 (Source: Uniprot.Org, NCBI)

Gene Name


Full Name

C-C motif chemokine 17




intercrine beta (chemokine CC) family

Alternative Names

ABCD-2; CC chemokine TARC; C-C motif chemokine 17; CCL17; chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17; MGC138273; SCYA17; SCYA17MGC138271; small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 17; Small-inducible cytokine A17; T cell-directed CC chemokine; TARC; TARCA-152E5.3; Thymus and activation-regulated chemokine CCL17 A-152E5.3, ABCD-2, SCYA17, TARC C-C motif chemokine ligand 17 C-C motif chemokine 17|CC chemokine TARC|T cell-directed CC chemokine|chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 17|small inducible cytokine subfamily A (Cys-Cys), member 17|small-inducible cytokine A17|thymus and activation-regulated chemokine

*if product is indicated to react with multiple species, protein info is based on the gene entry specified above in "species".

For more info on CCL17, check out the CCL17 Infographic

CCL17 infographic

We have 30,000+ of these available, one for each gene! check them out.

In this infographic you will see the following information for CCL17: database IDs, super-family, protein function, synonyms, molecular weight, chromosomal locations, tissues of expression, subcellular locations, post translational modifications, and related diseases, research areas & pathways. If you want to see more information included, or would like to contribute to it and be acknowledged, please contact us [email protected].

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